Judith Ann Miller, Ph.D.

The Trauma Pandemic - The 2020 COVID-19 -19 crisis has created a Trauma Pandemic that has left no one untouched. Our entire nation has suffered an unprecedented shot of fear, stress, anxiety, depression, loss of income and loss of friends and family; all resulting in increased suicide, drinking and drugging, domestic violence, child abuse, gambling, murders, shootings, stabbings and robberies. This year-long trauma is now realized as extreme post-traumatic syndrome (PTS) and is as great an international pandemic as the virus.
The Family Trauma Pandemic – All families are especially experiencing PTS as they have been forced to “stay at home”; virtual education for children, virtual “work at home”, loss of day care, and most of all the trauma of being disconnected from family and friends, and the loss of life of loved ones – who sadly died in isolation.
The Medical Trauma Pandemic – All aspects of the medical-healthcare field have been traumatized. The stress of the intensively painful experiences of over-worked care providers cannot even be measured on the trauma scale. Patients have been forced to die without support of family members. Thousands have had medical issues untreated as they were labeled as non-essential because Covid-19 victims have taken up all the space and professional care in hospitals. Every incident of the medical trauma pandemic has affected every family.
The Educational Trauma Pandemic – Every student from kindergarten age to PhD has experienced excessive trauma, experiencing social, emotional and developmental issues as the entire educational system has gone virtual. Students missed proms, graduation ceremonies and the opportunity for sports and athletic achievements which many depend upon to gain scholarships to higher education. The Educational Pandemic has been especially dysfunctional for grade-school age children as they have missed the opportunities to see and feed off each other about what they are experiencing from all this. Kids need kids to learn how to grow together in this world and bond together through their experiences. Of course, the educational trauma goes back to the family trauma pandemic as all family members have been traumatized.
The Economic Trauma Pandemic – The bill for the economic crisis will become the responsibility of future generations and the question is: When and how can the economy ever recover?
Thousands and thousands of businesses have gone under with a loss of jobs for thousands and thousands unable to continue their careers. COVID-19 has created an unemployment pandemic as some jobs have been lost forever. The economic trauma pandemic also goes back to the family trauma pandemic.
The Sports-World Trauma Pandemic – All sports from local to national land international levels have been traumatized. Fewer games have been played with virtually no cheering sections. The loss of beer and hot dog sales has traumatized the sports food industries. COVID-19 has caused an empty stadium pandemic resulting in loss of ticket sales, concessions, half-time shows, parking attendants, etc. a loss of a multitude of jobs for thousands of blue-collar workers dependent upon the business of world-wide sports. The entertainment element has dwindled for spectators who relish the side distraction of the COVID-19 crisis.
.Science Has Created Hope – Relief from the trauma pandemic can now be realized in science-based services and products. Neurofeedback (Low Energy Neurofeedback Systems – LENS) has, over the past 30 years, proven to be a great service for the relief of trauma and the past decade has identified a field called Nutrigenomics, i.e., the study of how nutrients and naturally occurring compounds affect genes. We have discovered that combining LENS and Nutrigenomics results in significant relief from PTS.

LENS – Dr. Len Ochs of OchsLabs, pioneered the Low Energy Neurofeedback system (LENS) which utilizes gentle, non-invasive EEG neurofeedback. LENS is a form of brainwave neurofeedback that optimizes human function in the areas of mood, cognition, and energy levels. Neurofeedback has led to dramatic improvements in chronic debilitating neurological conditions. People suffering the effects of brain injury, extreme stress, emotional trauma, attention deficit disorder, fibromyalgia, chemo therapy, and chemical dependence have benefited greatly. Other disorders effectively treated with neurofeedback are: traumatic brain injury, migraine headaches, addictive behaviors, anxiety and depression, PTSD, autism spectrum disorders, seizure disorders, ADHD, cerebral palsy, and even optimal brain performance.
“When the executive portion of the brain is functioning well, life is just not as frightening” (Demos, 2005). Neurotherapist, John N. Demos notes neurofeedback promotes greater control over the Autonomic Nervous System and the cerebral cortex. With this technology the mind-body connection can be quantified, measured, and observed on computer.
Nutrigenomics –: Introducing Protandim Trisynergizers, Nrf1, Nrf2 and NAD. Protandim Nrf1 Synergizer is the only product (a
ctivator) proven in a clinical study to reduce cellular stress by an averag

e of 40% in 30 days. Nrf1 has been shown to increase superoxide dismutase levels by 30%, glutathione by 300%, and catalase by 54%. Protandim Nrf2 Synergizer has been known to reduce oxidative stress by 40% in just 30 days. Protandim NAD Synergizer has been shown to double Siruin activity in 24 hours, supporting increased heal, focus, energy, mental clarity and mood.
It is astounding to realize that pharmaceuticals (opioids, benzos, antidepressants, and all the various re-uptake inhibitors) have not effectively treated trauma and the above list of related symptoms but have even left serious side effects.
Science has determined that Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial Dysfunction play a major role in over 200 diseases. A Washington State University Study reported that Nfr2 may be: “The most extraordinary therapeutic and most extraordinary preventive breakthrough in the history of medicine.” It was touted as “a new way to understand, prevent or even cure complex disease (Pall & Levine, 2015). This information indicates that as health practitioners we must treat the causes, not the symptoms. It is gratifying to know that the nutrigenomic products have received patents and are created with only plant-based ingredients that offer no side effects
Treating Trauma in the Year 2021 - As 2020 comes to a close, we can look forward to the New Year with great excitement knowing that we now have the scientific tools (products and services) to provide relief from trauma and help more people feel better. Healthcare professionals can play a vital role in prevention and care and help people adopt lifestyle choices regarding diet, exercise, and environment to help keep their body in balance, and prevent damage and disease. This work does not provide a cure but offers a quality of life.
It is hoped that many LENS providers will consider the opportunity to introduce the Protandim Trisynergizers as a valuable adjunct to their practice. https://rfnfo.com/d/ZX9TzS Take a look at the entire LifeVantage Story.. scientific breakthrough, unprecedented opportunity... We can make a dent in the universal trauma pandemic as these products and services provide a catalyst to freedom. https://rfnfo.com/d/2hRKrk .
Demos, J. N. (2005). Getting started with neurofeedback. W. Norton & Company. New York, NY.
Pall, M. L. & S. Levine (2015). Nrf2 regulator of detoxification, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and cytoprotection is raised by health promoting factors. Acta Physiologica Sinica 67(1): 1-18. DOI:10.13294/j.apps.2015.001
Ochs, L. (2006a). The low energy neurofeedback system (LENS): Theory, background, and introduction. Journal of Neurotherapy, 10(2-3): 5-39.
Ochs, L. (2006b). The low energy neurofeedback system (LENS): Theory, background, and introduction. In D. C. Hammond (Ed.) LENS: The low energy neurofeedback system. Hawthorn Medical Press, Binghamton, NY.